02 março 2005

Reply to my critics

No processo que me foi levantado por negligência no tratamento deste blogue pelos seus poucos leitores habituais, tenho a honra de apresentar a primeira testemunha da defesa: Adam Smith (em cartas para a sua mãe)

I am just recovered of a violent fit of laziness, which has confined me to my elbow-chair these three months. [Oxford, 29-11-1743]

I am quite inexcusable for not writing to you oftener. I think of you every day, but always defer writing till the post is just going, and then sometimes business or company, but oftener laziness, hinders me. Tar water is a remedy very much in vogue here at present for almost all diseases. It has perfectly cured me of an inveterate scurvy and shaking in the head. [Oxford, 2-7-1744]

(A preguiça tem-me remetido à minha poltrona simbólica nos últimos tempos. Vou só comprar um frasco de tar water e volto já.)

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